Update on Kathryn McDaniel: HALF WAY, BABY!

Post Author: Michele Stillwell, Marketing Distribution Portal Enthusiast | Marketing Guru | Accounting Shark | Lover of All Animals

Kat Strong

Half Way, Baby! #KATSTRONG

Remember my blog post titled Kathryn McDaniel – Perseverance Personified?

Perseverance means to not give up.

It’s persistence and tenacity.

It’s doing something and keeping at it, no matter how hard it is. 

With that in mind, I wanted to take a few minutes to bring you up-to-speed on Kat’s condition and treatment.

Kat has been keeping up with her treatments and it definitely hasn’t been easy.

We’ve all watched her come and go, week to week, in and out of KU getting stuck again and again.

I’ll be honest…it made me tear up as I wrote this post.

Anyone who knows Kat knows she’s not a quitter.

She is strong and just keeps getting stronger. We’re so incredibly lucky to have her and we’re inspired by her every day.

The great news is that she is HALF WAY THERE!!! And…. all of her tests keep coming back cancer free!!!

We’re so grateful for this wonderful news and we just had to share it with all of you.

If you haven’t come by to see Kat, drop in sometime and say hello. She’s trying to be in the office more and more.

Even more impressive, she still keeps that incredible smile and keeps laughing, even though we’re sure she’s not always feeling well.

We’re so thrilled to have this great news.

All we need to do is keep encouraging her for the next six months. She can and will do it!

Kat takes PERSEVERANCE to the next level!

4 replies
  1. Kimberly Simmons
    Kimberly Simmons says:

    Way to go, Kat!! Thinking of you daily and sending you healing hugs and lots of love. Hang in there, you’re doing terrific!!! (and I can’t believe it, but you look so good too!)

  2. Lynne Hayes
    Lynne Hayes says:

    I hadn’t heard you were going through this, Kathyrn, but I wanted to send along good wishes and a dose of strength as you head into the second half of your treatments. Your positivity is great medicine!!

  3. Tiffany Coffey
    Tiffany Coffey says:

    Way to go, Kat! I hadn’t heard this news, but I DO know you are strong woman and you will kick cancer’s A$%! Continued good thoughts for you.

  4. Susan Berkowitz
    Susan Berkowitz says:

    I did not know you were battling this, but it has been a few years since I have run into you. So glad you are winning the fight. Sending you thoughts and wishes for a complete and speedy recovery! Stay strong…


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